Why Tests, Trials And Tribulations Are Your Springboards To Victory

The Bible is the best book for success in life.

You Are Winning

These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. 2 Cor. 4:17 MSG

You should be excited when you face challenging situations because there’s only one sure outcome – victory!

Some Christians often wonder why God left them in a world full of trials, temptations, and troubles.

Well, the world may be filled with these, but Jesus assures those of us that are joint-heirs with Him not to worry or be overwhelmed because He has overcome the world for us! John 16:33

It Came For Your Good

Most people ask in the midst of their trials “how can we achieve success?”

It doesn’t matter the trials or challenges that may come your way; be of good cheer because they are for your promotion!

Contrary to the thinking of many, trials don’t spell defeat or failure; they are pointers to your promotion!

It’s not the challenges you’re going through that matter but what you do with them. That’s why you must grow your faith with the word of God so that no matter what happens, you will always win.

This is beyond just success through a positive mental attitude.

The David And Goliath Story

When Goliath the giant of Gath terrorized the armies of Israel, it was David who went up against him, killed him and brought the fear of God upon the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:20-58).

Instead of despairing and cowering in fear like everyone else, David recognized Goliath’s challenge as an opportunity to put the word of God to work.

Like David, recognize that the challenges you face are not to discourage or destroy you; they are stepping-stones to your promotion.


I see every challenge as an opportunity to shine and manifest my victory in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I rejoice, knowing that I am more than a conqueror through the strength and power of the Holy Spirit that is working in me mightily. In the name of Jesus. Amen

Follow Up References

1 John 4:4James 1:2-4

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